Donate Now

Your donations help us continue to support our community. Consider making a tax-deductible donation.


** Please Note: Packanack Lake Fire Company #5 uses a third party payment processing company and only receives donation address, amount and date and last 4 digits of the credit card used for the transaction. We never share your personal information.


Some Things You Should Know


• Fire Company #5 responds to all 26 sq. miles of Wayne; not just Packanack Lake.

• The Wayne Fire Dept. is made up entirely of volunteers – your neighbors - and saves township taxpayers millions of dollars every year.

• The average donation last year was $50.00.

• Fire Company #5 responded to 547 alarms last year at all hours of the day and night.

• Your support allows us to meet our operating expenses, enabling us to provide the services you rely on. 

• If you are unable to donate this year, please return the mailed form or let us know via our online form so we know not to contact you again.

• To help us better communicate with you, please provide a valid e-mail address.

• We are 501(c)(3) organization, your donation is tax deductible and your employer may match your donation.

The members of Fire Company #5 thank you for your support!