Our History
In the early days of World War II, Packanack Lake was a community consisting of 500 homes located in a remote section of Wayne Township when a small group of volunteers recognized the need for improved fire and emergency protection. Packanack Lake Fire Co. #5 was formed.
A two story firehouse was built by the volunteer firefighters, on property donated by Packanack Homes, Inc., the realtors that developed Packanack Lake. In 1948, Company No. 5 moved in their new Firehouse. The dedication was a high point in the young company’s history.
After operating for 9 years with second-hand basic equipment Company No. 5 purchased its first new fire engine. It was a Mack 750 gallon per minute pumper with a 250 gallon water tank. The Mack was sold in 1966 and returned to Packanack in 2007. To learn how we found and restored our 1951 Mack, Click Here.
Packanack Lake’s first fire truck, a used 1926 Reo.
First known picture of Co. #5. Original members in front of the bath house on Lake Drive West when it was used as the first firehouse.
Original members of the Ladies Auxiliary.
Members stand proudly in front of new firehouse.
The 1925 American LaFrance (L) and 1951 Mack (R)
Our History
In May 1942, as World War II raged on, Packanack Lake was a community consisting of 500 homes located in a remote section of Wayne Township. With the looming threat of an attack on the homeland, there was a concern that the existing Fire Companies in Wayne Township would not be able to respond to a fire in Packanack Lake. Six Packanack residents realized the need for a local fire company to provide improved fire and emergency protection.
Application was made to Wayne Township for use of some Civil Defense equipment. Not being a recognized fire company at the time, some difficulty was encountered, but finally the men were able to convince the Town Fathers that they were organized as a Civil Defense unit and some equipment was made available. Thus, the Packanack Lake Fire and Emergency Squad was born.
One of the men loaned the money to purchase a truck from Community Fire Company No. 1 in Mountain View for $125. This was an antiquated 1926 Reo and while it resembled the “Toonerville Trolly” and had many disadvantages, the community was grateful for the added protection. The truck was housed in the private garage of a local supporter, requiring the driver to climb over the hood getting in and out. Later, part of an old bath house located on Lake Drive where the current Post Office is located, was renovated and became the new home for the Fire Company which had grown to 17 volunteers.
1946 was an eventful year. Legislation was passed that would enable the State to allow Wayne Township to provide additional funds and recognize the Packanack Lake Fire and Emergency Squad as a full-fledged fire company. The group would no longer be known as Company 4 ½, as it had been called by the rest of the Township, but officially Fire Company No. 5.
Later that year, a 1927 Ahrens Fox Pumper was purchased followed shortly by a 1925 LaFrance chemical hose truck and the Reo was retired. The Ahrens Fox had great difficulty with the hills and the LaFrance was constantly jarring off some parts, but again, this was progress. Click here to see the complete history of all Co. #5’s apparatus.
After being fully recognized as a bona-fide Fire Company, the next step was a new firehouse. A site suitable to serve both sides of the Lake was selected at the junction of Lake Drive West and South Road, which is currently Osborne Terrace. The property was donated by Packanack Homes, the realtor that developed Packanack Lake. To finance the building, $10.00 non-interest bearing bonds payable in ten years were issued, raising eight thousand dollars.
Plans were drawn and scale model was created for a two story firehouse. The majority of the firehouse was built by the volunteer firefighters. The steel staircase, lintels, sills and floor beams came from a demolished State institution building in Newark, NJ. In 1948, Fire Company No. 5 moved into the new firehouse. The dedication was a high point in the young company’s history.
At this time the wives of the firemen formed the Packanack Lake Ladies Auxiliary. They supported the Company with fundraising functions, which were in turn supported by the community. The ladies were on hand with food and beverage during lengthy emergencies. The Ladies Auxiliary also compiled a blood donors list which was used on many occasions.
In the year 1951 Company No. 5 purchased its first new fire engine, a Mack 750 gallon per minute pumper, costing $15,000. In 1954, a new Maxim light pumper was added. The Mack replaced the 1929 Ahrens Fox and the Maxim replaced the 1927 LaFrance. Click here to learn how we found and restored our 1951 Mack.
Wayne Township contains major rivers, lakes, plus a number of ponds. Flooding and other water-related accidents were a major problem. The fire company acquired an outboard motor and boat from the Township, along with the necessary supporting equipment. To house the apparatus, boat and trailer, the Firehouse was enlarged.
A new American LaFrance 1000 gallon per minute pumper was purchased in 1960 costing the company about $20,000. In 1966 Company 5 purchased another American LaFrance pumper, this one capable of capable of pumping 1,250 gallons of water a minute. The new fire truck had a diesel-powered engine which was the first diesel fire truck in Northern New Jersey.
By 1965, we were responding to more than 300 alarms a year using the three latest pieces of fire apparatus. In 1974 a Young 1000 gallon per minute pumper was purchased for about $57,000. After much debate, the color of the Young was decided to be Lime Yellow, a bold new color that studies had shown to be more visible than the traditional red. Even though the Lime Yellow color was not completely embraced by the entire fire service, every one of Co. #5’s apparatus since 1974 have been Lime Yellow. The theory adopted at Co. #5 was that “only old fire trucks are red”. CLICK HERE to lean more about Lime Yellow.