Serve your community. Challenge yourself.
Interested in becoming a firefighter?
Becoming a firefighter can be challenging, but it can also be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life. Some reasons people join:
• Serve your community.
• Challenge yourself physically and mentally.
• Make new friends and become part of something bigger.

How Do I Get Involved?
Step One
Am I eligible?
To become a firefighter, you must be:
• At least 18 years of age.
• In good physical condition.
• Resident of Wayne or nearby.
• Have a valid driver’s license.
Step Two
Application Process
Some things you’ll need to do:
• Meet with the membership committee.
• Submit an application.
• Pass a medical exam.
• Fingerprints & police background check.
Step Three
Probationary Firefighter
Once you satisfy all aspects of the application process and are accepted onto the company, you will be a probationary firefighter for at least one year. During the probation period, you’re required to:
• Complete and pass the fire academy (two nights per week & one weekend day for approx. four months).
• Maintain required response percentages.
• Attend monthly meetings & drills.
• Show proficiency in the necessary knowledge and skills learned.
Ready to Take The Next Step?
Send us a message to let us know you’re interested and someone from our membership committee will reach out to schedule a meeting.